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Hey, Culligan! Water company dropping 'man' in pitch to millennial consumers

January 05, 2018

Something will be missing when 82-year-old suburban Chicago water treatment company Culligan runs its first national TV commercial in decades during Sunday’s Golden Globes telecast on NBC.

Looking to broaden and modernize its appeal to millennial consumers, Culligan is dropping “man” from its 60-year-old “Hey, Culligan Man!” slogan.

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The Importance of a Culligan Inspect n' Check on Your Water Softener

November 19, 2015

Besides the occasional refill of salt, your water softener system is not something you think of regularly maintaining. Like most salt based water softeners, the process of how they work is pretty simple. Your hard water flows into the resin tank, the resin tank, which holds resin beads, absorbs all of the “hard” water minerals as they pass through which then allows only “soft” water to go through the system. After some time of this process, the tank does become full of these minerals and needs to be cleaned or “recharged.”

Some signs of your water softener system beginning to lose its momentum may include dry skin, water build up in your sink and bathtub, as well as having to use more soap to get your clothes and dishes spotless. If you are experiencing these symptoms, the best way to resolve the issue is to call your local Culligan Man. Your Culligan Man will come to your home, inspect your system, and diagnose the best solution. Having a Culligan water professional inspect and check your system on a regular basis can prolong the life of your Culligan Water Treatment system as well as save you money. When your water softener system works like it should, it cuts back on money spent on cleaning products and energy bills.

Even if you have a system from a big box store, Culligan will still service it. Culligan will service ANY make and ANY model because Culligan cares about the water in your home! Call your local Culligan water professional at 855- Hey-Culligan-Man!

It’s Time to Trade-In and Trade-Up!

June 24, 2014

Have you noticed your water softener not working the way it should? Does your hair feel gross, skin feel dry, and do your clothes and dishes not seem as clean as they use to? Well, it’s probably time to trade in your old water softener for a brand new one.

By trading in your old water softening system for a brand new Culligan High Efficiency Water Softener, you will notice how soft and radiant your skin and hair will feel. On top of that, you will also be saving money in the long run! That’s right! By trading in your water softening system, you will begin to notice a decrease in your utility bills as well as an increase in the life expectancy of all your home’s appliances.

Right now, Culligan is wants your old water softener: Dead or Alive. Even if you’re not a current Culligan Water customer, you can still trade in your old, broken, or run-down water softener system for a cash reward towards your brand new Culligan High Efficiency Water Softener. Your local Culligan Man is your water expert and will be able to determine what system will work best for you and your home. Call Culligan at 855-Hey-Culligan-Man to get rid of that old softener system and upgrade to Culligan Water today!

When to Replace Your Water Softener

August 06, 2015

You’ve had the same water softener for nearly a decade. In that time, you’ve purchased two new televisions, a new (used) car, and even re-did your entire kitchen. It probably still works just fine, right? The real answer may surprise you.

The truth is, it is easy not to think about your water softener. It is often locked away in the basement, neglected despite its heroic efforts in saving your bathroom from stains, extending the life of your appliances, and even saving you money on your utility bills. But after about 10 years, the resin in your softener begins to wear, dramatically affecting the quality of your softener.

Whether or not you are a Culligan Customer, the Culligan Man is your local water expert and can inspect your softener to ensure that it is working properly. If it’s not, he may recommend the Culligan High Efficiency Water Softener, which is up to 46% more efficient than other leading softeners.

Don’t do it yourself, leave your home’s water to the experts. Call Culligan today at 855-Hey-Culligan-Man to get rid of your old softener and to start enjoying the benefits of Culligan Soft Water.

Getting better water in your home is easy, just say… Hey Culligan Man!

Top 3 Reasons to Stay Hydrated this Summer

June 22, 2015

Summer is officially here, which means hotter weather and even more reason to have great water in your home, office, or wherever you go. A Culligan®

Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water systems is an under-sink filtration station that makes it feel as if there is a bottled water company right under your sink. Fill up a glass, or eight, of Culligan® high quality drinking water and feel at ease as you enjoy your summer months without having to worry about bad tasting or smelly water.

Studies have shown that only 22 percent of Americans drink the recommended eight or more cups of water a day, so here are three reasons why hydration should be a conscious part of your day.

  1. Water battles fatigue and keeps your energy levels high.
  2. Water helps fight the urge to binge on empty calories.
  3. Water hydrates your skin, keeping it from drying out and becoming tight and flaky.

For even cleaner skin, shinier hair, and brighter clothes, a Culligan® Water Softener is your home’s home water solution. In addition to reducing soap residue on clothes, skin, glasses and dishes, a Culligan® Water Softener can reduce water heating bills and make cleaning easier and less expensive. Paired with a Culligan® Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water System, Culligan has your total home water solution.

No sink? No problem. Ask your Culligan Man about Bottled Water® and Bottle-Free Cooler® Delivery!

Stay Hydrated & Save Money with Culligan’s Hydration Celebration

April 27, 2015

Beginning this May, Culligan will be kicking off it’s Hydration Celebration! What is a Hydration Celebration you ask? It’s Culligan’s way to raise awareness about the importance of hydration while offering the lowest prices of the year. If you were contemplating improving your drinking water or upgrading from the pitcher to a Drinking Water System, now is the time!

As the weather warms up and the sun shines for more hours each day, now is the most important time to monitor your water intake and to stay hydrated. The warmer weather outside is going to take a greater toll on your body than the past cooler months have, so if you are partaking in outdoor activities like working in the yard, playing sports, or even just relaxing in the sunlight, hydration is essential.

Hydration is necessary at all times of the day, at home, at work and on the go. Culligan offers ways to get and stay hydrated wherever you are. The best way to ensure that the water you and your family are imbibing to maintain proper hydration is the best it can be, contact your Your Local Culligan Man to test and assess the water that comes into your house. Your Culligan Man can also recommend the best solution to get you great-tasting water – whether it’s a Drinking Water System installed under your sink, or a Whole Home Water Filtration System.

Not sure about Drinking Water Systems? Here are some of the benefits that come along with installation:

  • Endless supplies of filtered water from your professionally installed Culligan® drinking water system.
  • Valuable refrigerator space freed up from pitchers and bottled water.
  • Less fuel is required to manufacture bottles, which reduces greenhouse gases, and fewer plastic bottles end up in landfills.
  • Great tasting, healthy water at the cost of only pennies per glass.

Although hydration is important all year round, now is the most crucial time to stay hydrated with great tasting, healthy water. Just say, Hey Culligan Man!

Chloramine vs. Chlorine Water Treatment

February 23, 2015

Information On Chlorine & Chloramine

All municipalities are required to make sure their water is treated for bacteria and safe for human consumption. Historically, chlorine has been the chemical used for this purpose, but in recent years, many municipalities have moved to chloramine for anti-bacterial protection. Chloramine is a combination of chlorine and ammonia. Both chlorine and chloramine add a noticeable, distinct taste and odor that many people find distasteful.

How Do You Treat Chlorine & Chloramine?

Typically, carbon-based filters can be used to remove both chlorine and chloramine in the home before the water is used for drinking or cooking. This removes the taste of the chlorine and chloramine, while still allowing them to act as antibacterial agents in your water. However, home owners must be careful to choose the correct type of carbon filter. While standard carbon filters will treat chlorine, these standard carbon filters will not remove chloramine. A special type of carbon is required to treat chloramine, and most local big-box and hardware stores do not carry these types of carbon filters.

Culligan Treats Chlorine & Chloramine

Culligan knows how to treat both chlorine and chloramine, and it also knows what treatment solutions to use in your area. The removal of chlorine and chloramine can be accomplished with either a Culligan “point-of-use” (POU) filter – typically under sink – or a Point of Entry Whole House Filter – attached to your home’s main water supply. Let Culligan make a recommendation as to which is best for your situation, and trust Culligan’s expertise to know how to treat your local water. Contact your local Culligan Man to make sure you get the best possible water for your home and family.

Dry Skin In The Fall? Hey Culligan Man!

December 15, 2014

Fall is in full swing and is bringing colder weather with it. That colder weather is bringing dryer air, and that dryer air means dryer skin. Everyone knows that dry skin can be a pain, but did you know that there’s something you can take to help prevent your skin from drying out? Treat your water.

Hard water can be a nuisance. It can smell bad, it can taste bad, and it can leave unsightly stains in your house. It can also exacerbate the effects of the cold, dry air in these cooler seasons, only making your dry, itchy skin worse. But Culligan has a solution: its renowned water softeners.

For the past 70+ years, Culligan has been an industry leader in providing homes across the nation with leading water softening solutions and technology. And your home can be the next one to feature one of Culligan’s leading solutions.

But how would one get one of Culligan’s water treatment solutions in his or her home? Easy! Contact your local Culligan Man to schedule a free water test. Your Culligan Man will then be able to make recommendations on a personalized solution for your home. Connect today and say, “Hey Culligan Man!”

Culligan – Global Leader, Local Neighbor

September 23, 2014

Who Is Culligan?

Culligan is a global leader in the Water Treatment & Filtration Industry, but it’s also your local water expert. From drinking water solutions to water softening to removing impurities from your water with a whole home filtration system, Culligan has some of the best water treatment solutions in the industry. Culligan’s premium product is paired with the top-tier service of your local Culligan Man; these qualities combined embody Culligan’s commitment to excellence.

Who Needs Culligan?

The short answer is, “everyone.” The Water Quality Association (WQA) recommends the “final barrier” philosophy of water treatment: that every home should have some kind of in-home water treatment system. The kinds of water treatment systems available provide solutions for all sorts of different problems, from the removal of harmful micro-organisms and bacteria, to the removal of excess minerals like iron and sulfur and the reduction of chlorine in your water. They offer solutions to help your appliances run more efficiently and solutions to help your water taste better. Do all these options sound overwhelming? They don’t have to. Your local Culligan Man is fully equipped to make a recommendation specific to your living situation. You may even be able to rent your equipment if purchase is too great a financial burden at the time.

Contact Your Local Culligan Man

Want to learn more about water treatment for your home? Contact your local Culligan Man to schedule a water test and learn about the best options for your home. When you’re looking for better water for your home, just remember, “Hey Culligan Man!”

Recommended Reads: Water Treatment For Dummies

June 19, 2014

If you’re looking for great information on Water Treatment, we recommend checking out Water Treatment For Dummies from the Water Quality Association. This is a great resource for people interested in learning what water treatment is all about. It discusses topics ranging from where your water comes from to the benefits of good quality water. It also discusses how to determine what’s in your water, whether your water is hard or soft, and when you should call in the experts for help with your water treatment. The book concludes with questions you should ask your water treatment company.

In addition to checking out the book to learn about water treatment, you can also check out the resources we’ve provided on our website. Whether you want to learn about water softening, drinking water, or why your water smells like rotten eggs or leaves rust-colored stains in your sink, your local Culligan Man can help. You can also use our website to schedule an in-home water analysis to get water treatment recommendations from your local Culligan Man himself, in person. Check out our website’s content and fill out a form or give us a call to learn about the best water treatment options for you, your family, and your home.

City Water and Water Treatment (Final Barrier)

April 03, 2014

It’s generally accepted that, if you have city water, you don’t need in-home water conditioning. But is it true? Certainly municipal water treatment centers do a good job of cleaning up your water, but is that all you need?

These are worthwhile questions. So let’s ask them. What’s to be done with contaminants that may enter your water between the treatment facility and your home? What about the recent concerns that water fluoridation, sometimes added to water in hopes of preventing tooth decay, may be harmful to brain development?

The Water Quality Association (WQA) recommends that consumers adopt a Final Barrier way of thinking about water treatment. With this kind of system in place, you, your family, your appliances, and your home are better protected from contaminants that can enter your water between your local municipal water treatment center and the point at which you use your water in your home. The Final Barrier strategy in water treatment also helps to remove aesthetic contaminants – those funny tastes and smells in your water that aren’t necessarily harmful to your health, but that aren’t desirable in your water either. After all, your water shouldn’t smell like a swimming pool, and you wouldn’t want to make tea out of rotten-egg-smelling, sulfur-laden water.

Culligan can be the provider of your Final Barrier solution. Culligan offers a variety of systems to help remove everything from the bad tastes and odors of aesthetic contaminants to the removal of chlorine that can be harmful to your skin, hair, and clothing. These solutions range from Point-of-Use (POU) Reverse Osmosis (RO) drinking water systems (some of which are WQA Certified!) to High-Efficiency (HE) Municipal water conditioners.

Want to learn more about what we’ve discussed? Contact your local Culligan Man. Your local water expert can perform a water analysis at your home to be able to recommend the best Final Barrier solution for your particular situation.C With so many aspects of your life reliant on your home’s water, isn’t it better if you talk to the experts about the best way to get the best water for your home? Even if you already have a water softener, you may be able to get a special deal on a trade-in. Call your Culligan Man to find out more. Just remember, “Hey Culligan Man!”